Lianna Shen

let's be honest

I'm Bossy


Between Sophia Amoruso’s #GIRLBOSS, Sheryl Sandberg and company’s campaign to #BanBossy, and then last weekend, being called “bossy” for the trillionth time in my life at a dinner party while making guacamole (don’t mash it up too much, leave some chunks. take the seeds out of the jalapeños, otherwise it will be too spicy)…I felt it was time to express how I feel about this funny little word.

I’ve been called bossy my whole life. And I promise, I have called others this word as well (mostly little friends in elementary school, when we were mad at each other). Now that I think of it, most of my close girlfriends today are what one would call “bossy”. Independent, opinionated, strong women - who like to lead.

These days I run two companies alongside my partner who I guess would also be considered bossy, though he is male. It’s my job to make decisions, pay bills, have an opinion, drive a direction. If I’m not boss-like enough, the companies would fail to exist.

So here’s the thing. I don’t mind being called bossy. It doesn’t really bother me because I know that most of the time, the person using the word does not mean that I am overly authoritative; domineering; overbearing; abrasive; highhanded - as is the dictionary definition. I’d like to think that they mean that I am “acting like a boss.” Which I am. Perhaps they don’t see it in as much a positive light as I do, but hey. We all have our own opinion.

And if that bothers you, then…go away. Because I’ve got boss stuff to do.